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Have you selected a 2020 scripture verse? Here's how to do it.

Writer's picture: Megan DiMariaMegan DiMaria

This is the second year I selected a scripture verse instead of a word for the year.

This year's verse speaks to my anxieties about the future, about resurrecting my publishing career, and everyday worries that I have:

The Lord will work out His plans for my life—for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Psalm 138:8a

This verse is a confirmation that I can chill about the future. Okay, I know that I could have done that all along, but isn't this verse a nice reminder?

This scripture also harmonizes with the Bible verse my husband and I chose for our lives together:

That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Matthew 6:25-27

I make plans (don't we all?), and they don't always seem to blossom. My frustrations give me plenty of questions about my future about my efforts. Maybe it's about time for me to simply lean on His understanding. His timing. Maybe I will finally surrender and let Him work it out while I prepare for the future.

Wondering how I plan to prepare for my future?

  • I'll be obedient. For me, that means being faithful to regularly read my Bible and to continually pray.

  • I'll do my best to honor God in everything I do.

  • I'll keep writing and honing my skills.

  • I'll mind my health to be ready for what the future holds.

  • I'll keep encouraging others (and myself!) to continue to live a godly life, a kind life, and to pursue their dreams.

I encourage you to seek out a scripture verse for the year. Create a pretty graphic with the verse and print it out. Place it where you'll see it every day. Memorize it! Pray that scripture over your life.

My words to pray my 2020 scripture will look something like this:

Thank you for your blessings, Lord. Continue to work out Your plans for my life. Give me patience and wisdom while I go about my days. Thank you for your faithful love that will never end.

Your prayer doesn't need to be elaborate, just heartfelt.

Want to find a verse for your year? It's not difficult. Select a noun that resonates with you. It could be one of the following:

  • wisdom

  • healing

  • faith

  • blessings

  • love

  • peace

  • faithfulness

  • thankfulness

  • joy

  • patience

  • kindness

  • perseverance

  • self-control

  • peace

There are other words that might catch your interest. Think about it. Next, go to a site that you can use to search out scriptures for your word. Two I like are Open Bible and Knowing Jesus. Do a search for your word. Once you find a scripture you like, look at some different Bible translations to fine-tune the message for yourself. I use Bible Gateway for that.

Once you've identified your scripture, find a pretty picture that elaborates on the theme. My go-to site for free downloads is Pixabay. There are several programs you can use to create your own graphic. My favorite is Canva, but there are alternatives out there.

Then, create! Tweak it. Give it a day or so, and go back and see if it's complete in your view. Make changes if you feel you must. Work on that image and verse, play with the font until it expresses the right mood. Let the design settle in your soul. After all, you'll be looking at for another 11 months.

Last year's verse, 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, was exactly what I needed to hear.

It really resonated with me. It was the first time I selected a verse for the year. The way I found the verse was delightful. My 2019 verse leapt off the page and settled in my heart. Those words were both marching orders and encouragement. Boy, did I need that in 2019.

Selecting a word for the year has always seemed too daunting for me. But in the past two years, finding a scripture verse has been a pleasure. I encourage you to do either, both seem to put your focus on spiritual matters. Go ahead, try it.

May God bless you in delightful ways in 2020!


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