Contests are a wonderful way to get feedback on your work.
Authors, do you write Christian fiction and have a completed manuscript? If so, there's a wonderful opportunity for unpublished writers. The ACFW (American Fiction Christian Writers) Genesis Contest is accepting submissions until THIS FRIDAY. This contest is a great opportunity to have the first 15 pages of your Christian fiction manuscript evaluated by an industry professional.

There is an entry fee ($40 for ACFW members and $125 for non-members), You may choose to join ACFW at the time of entrance to receive the member entry fee rate.
This is a fantastic opportunity. If you've been pushing toward publication and have a completed manuscript, getting feedback on your work from an industry professional will help you to see what you're doing well and what you need to work on, craft-wise.
Come on, be brave, and enter!
There are several categories:
Contemporary: Novels or sagas set in any location, in contemporary setting. This category includes literary fiction, women’s fiction, and mainstream fiction. The stories in this category can be dramatic or comedic.
Historical (through Vietnam era): Novels or sagas set in any location, in which the time frame of the majority of the story is a historical context rather than a contemporary one. The time period can be up to and including the Vietnam era.
Historical Romance (through Vietnam era): Novels or sagas set in any location, but in which the time frame of the majority of the story is a historical context rather than a contemporary one. The time period can be up to and including the Vietnam era. The love story is the main focus of the novel, and the end of the story is emotionally satisfying. The stories in this category can be dramatic or comedic.
Mystery/Suspense/Thriller: Novels set in any location in which the suspense or mystery is the primary plot. In suspense, “often the reader learns very early in the story who did what, and how, and even why, so that the tension results from the manner in which an expected conclusion is achieved” (Jessica Mann). In thrillers, “tough, resourceful . . . heroes are pitted against villains determined to destroy them, their country, or the stability of the free world” (Steve Bennett). “The detective novel, or mystery, is generally driven by a single protagonist and follows the process of detection, functioning like a puzzle” (Ginny Wiehardt).
Novella: Contemporary or historical stories in any of the genre categories in this contest. Word count is 15K – 45K.
Romance: The love story is set in any location in a contemporary setting and is the main focus of the novel. The end of the book is emotionally satisfying. The stories in this category can be dramatic or comedic.
Romantic Suspense: A suspense plot is blended with a love story, which is the main focus of the novel, and the end of the book is emotionally satisfying. The story can be in any location, but the time frame should be a contemporary setting. Historical romantic suspense stories should be entered in the Historical Romance category.
Short Novel: Contemporary or historical shorter novels 45K-70K in length.
Speculative: Novels in which science fiction, the future, other planets, a fantasy world, or paranormal happenings are a major element of the plot or setting. This category includes speculative, visionary, science fiction, paranormal, futuristic, allegory, and alternate history fiction. Stories targeted primarily at young adult readers should be entered in the Young Adult category.
Young Adult: Novels targeted toward young adult readers ages 12 through 18. The stories in this category can be dramatic, comedic, romantic, or non-romantic. Science Fiction/Fantasy/Allegory stories targeted primarily at young adult readers can be entered in this category. Stories targeted to Middle Readers are included in this category.
Best of luck to everyone entering, and write on!
I've entered this twice. And both times, one of the judges gave me a poor score because "I don't really read fantasy."
What?? Sigh ...