If you're a writer, do you spend time reading tips from pros and other writers in the trenches? You should.

I have a few favorite writing websites that I subscribe to and some I visit regularly to keep myself current on market trends as well as tips on craft and grammar help. Doesn’t everyone need grammar help?
Some sites that I visit frequently are:
Novel Rocket: Authors helping authors launch. A great site for fiction writers with tips for writing, marketing, and encouragement.
ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Blog: Practical tips as well as the inspiration you need to hang in there.
Grammar Girl: Got a grammar question, go here!
Online Writing Jobs (and yes, I’ve gotten a gig from that site)
WordServe Water Cooler: A blog by writers for writers.
There are also some literary agency sites that are worth your time (be sure to check out their blogs):
Another of my favorite sites is The Write Life. They’ve got a bit of everything for both fiction and nonfiction writers. This week they’ve got a new list. Don’t you just love a good list? It’s The 100 Best Websites for Writers in 2017. The list covers:
Creativity and Craft
Marketing and Platform Building
Writing Communities
There were some old favorites as well as some interesting-sounding sites on that list that I’m sure to check out. Why don’t you do the same?
Write on, friends!