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A Prisoner of Hope
Offering hope and encouragement for life, writing, and living a thoughtful life.

A Prisoner of Hope
Offering hope and encouragement for life, writing, and living a thoughtful life.
I post the first and third Tuesday of the month.

Megan DiMaria
Sep 19, 20174 min read
Yes, writers WILL put you in their novel.
Inspiration—it comes from everywhere for an author. To be a good writer, you need to be a good observer. You need to be aware and take...

Megan DiMaria
Aug 29, 20171 min read
A Word of Encouragement for Writers
Friends, this is as much for me as for you. While you're here, take a moment, go to the main page of my blog, and find some encouragement...

Megan DiMaria
Aug 22, 20171 min read
When a shared celestial experience eclipses our differences.
Did you experience it yesterday? No, I'm not talking about the eclipse—although that was pretty spectacular, wasn't it? I noticed it...

Megan DiMaria
Aug 15, 20172 min read
The Need for Grace and Second Chances, part two
Second chances. There comes a time when we all need one. After all, who’s perfect? Lately I’ve been thinking about second chances in...

Megan DiMaria
Aug 8, 20172 min read
The Need for Grace and Second Chances, part one
Second chances. There comes a time when we all need one. After all, who’s perfect? Lately I’ve been thinking about second chances in...

Megan DiMaria
Aug 1, 20172 min read
What's the best way react when you're scrutinized and found lacking?
I once read an article about famous Hollywood types who feel compelled throw around their celebrity to get their way. "Do you know who I...

Megan DiMaria
Jul 19, 20171 min read
Views on rejection from successful writers
I saw this article, 12 Famous Writers on Literary Rejection, and it's too good not to share. My favorite is what Sylvia Plath said: "I...

Megan DiMaria
Jul 4, 20171 min read
Happy 4th of July!
I hope you're enjoying your summer—spending restful moments outdoors in nature and making beautiful memories with family and friends....

Megan DiMaria
Jun 27, 20171 min read
Remember This
A reminder I certainly need, at times. Thought I would share it with you. Have a blessed day, friends!

Megan DiMaria
Jun 20, 20172 min read
Two sentences that helped me reset my expectations and regain my composure.
I know that I can’t be the only one . . . Perhaps you've also found yourself scrambling to meet your goals, pushing yourself to do more,...

Megan DiMaria
Jun 6, 20172 min read
Author Voice, part four
*This is part four in a series. View parts one, two, and three. If you've been following this series, are you understanding author voice...

Megan DiMaria
May 30, 20172 min read
Understanding Author Voice, part three
*This is part three in a series. View parts one and two. I hope you’re enjoying the different samples of author voice we're including...

Megan DiMaria
May 23, 20173 min read
Understanding Author Voice, part two
*This is part two in a series. View part one. Last week we started discussing author voice, which is the way in which an author tells a...

Megan DiMaria
May 16, 20173 min read
What is Author Voice?
A lot of time is spent in writing circles discussing author voice. What is it? How do you perfect it? Author voice is the way in which an...

Megan DiMaria
May 9, 20172 min read
Do dreams expire?
Is it ever too late to pursue a dream? Can you ponder a dream for too long, and miss the opportunity for accomplishment? Consider the...

Megan DiMaria
May 2, 20173 min read
Prayers for strangers and hurting hearts
Who else prays for strangers? I can’t be the only one who prays for folks they don’t know. I’m pretty sensitive, and stories I hear prick...

Megan DiMaria
Apr 25, 20172 min read
How does a writer decide on an idea? Part Two
This is the second of a two-part topic. See part one here. If you ask a seasoned writer, they’ll tell you that ideas are in the air....

Megan DiMaria
Apr 18, 20172 min read
How does a writer decide on an idea? Part One
How does a writer decide on an idea? I believe writers are peculiar people. We tuck bits of memories in our brains and hearts only to...

Megan DiMaria
Apr 11, 20172 min read
The Truth about Defining Moments
Have you experienced a moment when when reality crystalizes and you finally KNOW a deep, personal truth? I’ve been thinking about...

Megan DiMaria
Apr 4, 20172 min read
Writers, learn to put rejection in perspective
Rejection is an ugly word, especially to a writer. But we need to keep it in perspective. To help you put rejection into perspective, I’d...
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