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A Prisoner of Hope
Offering hope and encouragement for life, writing, and living a thoughtful life.

A Prisoner of Hope
Offering hope and encouragement for life, writing, and living a thoughtful life.
I post the first and third Tuesday of the month.

Megan DiMaria
Apr 16, 20242 min read
Tips for Preparing for a Writers Conference
Conference season is upon us. Are you going to a writers conference this year? Conferences can be a great boost to your writing career....
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Megan DiMaria
Nov 6, 20181 min read
Strategies to overcome writer's burnout, part 2
Last Tuesday I discussing writer's block and strategies to get your productivity back on track. Writer's block doesn’t have to paralyze...

Megan DiMaria
Oct 30, 20181 min read
Strategies to overcome writer's burnout, part 1
Dear writer, are you feeling burned out? Is your word count and productivity down? Do you want to beat your head against a wall to battle...

Megan DiMaria
Oct 23, 20184 min read
Why boundaries are necessary for writers
Did you know that boundaries are good for writers? If you want to be a writer, there’s no getting away from the fact that you have to...

Megan DiMaria
Sep 11, 20182 min read
How to prepare for a writers conference
Are you going to a writers conference this year? I hope so. Next week, I'm going to the ACFW conference in Nashville. Can't wait!...

Megan DiMaria
Jul 10, 20182 min read
Guideposts for a writer's journey, part 3
Two weeks ago, we started discussing the writer's journey. I likened it to climbing up the side of a Colorado mountain. In my case, I had...

Megan DiMaria
Jul 3, 20182 min read
Guideposts for a writer's journey, part 2
Last week we started discussing the writer's journey. I likened it to climbing up the side of a Colorado mountain. In my case, I had...

Megan DiMaria
Jun 26, 20182 min read
Guideposts for a writer's journey, part 1
A few years ago I had the pleasure of climbing up the side of a beautiful Colorado mountain. I was as prepared as possible—the right...

Megan DiMaria
Apr 17, 20183 min read
Three Simple Steps to Move You from Dreamer to Writer
Have you ever just wanted to give up? Or perhaps you haven't even started yet. When we have a BIG dream the trouble is, well, that it's...

Megan DiMaria
Apr 10, 20181 min read
What it's like to switch from editing to writing mode again
After revising my completed manuscript (which was a big job), I’m excited to switch gears and head back into writing mode. I’m one...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 27, 20181 min read
Are you afraid of failure?
Are you afraid of failure? To be honest, sometimes I have been. But, I've discovered how to ignore those dark, nagging voices that say...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 6, 20181 min read
Efforts = Accomplishment, now don't forget that!
Rome wasn't built in a day. Slow and steady wins the race. Little strokes fell great oaks. You've heard those sayings before. They endure...

Megan DiMaria
Aug 29, 20171 min read
A Word of Encouragement for Writers
Friends, this is as much for me as for you. While you're here, take a moment, go to the main page of my blog, and find some encouragement...

Megan DiMaria
Jun 20, 20172 min read
Two sentences that helped me reset my expectations and regain my composure.
I know that I can’t be the only one . . . Perhaps you've also found yourself scrambling to meet your goals, pushing yourself to do more,...

Megan DiMaria
May 9, 20172 min read
Do dreams expire?
Is it ever too late to pursue a dream? Can you ponder a dream for too long, and miss the opportunity for accomplishment? Consider the...

Megan DiMaria
Apr 4, 20172 min read
Writers, learn to put rejection in perspective
Rejection is an ugly word, especially to a writer. But we need to keep it in perspective. To help you put rejection into perspective, I’d...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 28, 20172 min read
Strategies to Overcome Writer's Block
Consider yourself the luckiest writer in the universe if you’ve never experienced a moment of writer’s block. Consider yourself fortunate...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 21, 20171 min read
When challenges arise, what do YOU do?
When faced with a challenge, do you give up or persist? See that photo? It's of a hiking trial in Maroon Bells outside of Aspen,...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 14, 20171 min read
Writers: give yourself the gift of perspective
Happy is the person who dreams dreams and is willing to take the steps to make them come true. Don't be afraid to start climbing, and...

Megan DiMaria
Sep 20, 20162 min read
Chase your dreams, and create the life you desire!
Do you have an unfulfilled dream? Go for it! No one will drop your life's dream into your lap. You've got to work for it. Since I was...
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