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A Prisoner of Hope
Offering hope and encouragement for life, writing, and living a thoughtful life.

A Prisoner of Hope
Offering hope and encouragement for life, writing, and living a thoughtful life.
I post the first and third Tuesday of the month.

Megan DiMaria
May 21, 20241 min read
How to Get Started as a Writer
Want to be a writer? Are you thinking about it? And thinking about it? START NOW. If you don't know how to start, get a how-to book out...
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Megan DiMaria
Apr 16, 20242 min read
Tips for Preparing for a Writers Conference
Conference season is upon us. Are you going to a writers conference this year? Conferences can be a great boost to your writing career....
1 comment

Megan DiMaria
Sep 26, 20231 min read
Some encouragement for folks who want to write a novel
Want to be a writer? Are you thinking about it? And thinking? START NOW. If you don't know how to start, get a how-to book out of the...

Megan DiMaria
Jul 16, 20191 min read
Five necessary components to a novel
Sometimes it good to remember stuff we've already been taught. Elementary, yes—but it's good to ponder the basics of novel writing. One:...

Megan DiMaria
May 28, 20192 min read
Writers: Six tips to refresh your creativity
Writers can get overwhelmed trying to find a new way to communicate the ordinary and everyday moments that make up life. Writers can get...

Megan DiMaria
Apr 23, 20191 min read
Eleven tips for revealing your novel's characters
Hi! I'm back after my Lenten break. I didn't blog, but I haven't neglected my writing. I like simple tips, ones that make you say ah-ha...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 19, 20191 min read
Want to be a writer? Here's some advice:
Want to be a writer? Are you thinking about it? And thinking? START NOW. If you don't know how to start, get a how-to book out of the...

Megan DiMaria
Oct 9, 20181 min read
A pep talk for when it feels like you're not succeeding.
Do you ever feel like all your efforts to make your dream come true are for naught? Do you sometimes feel like you've done enough, tried...

Megan DiMaria
Oct 2, 20181 min read
How an Author Handles Doubts
Is it ever difficult for you, as a writer, to feel confident about your writing? If so, you're normal. Fears pop up like dandelions after...

Megan DiMaria
Sep 11, 20182 min read
How to prepare for a writers conference
Are you going to a writers conference this year? I hope so. Next week, I'm going to the ACFW conference in Nashville. Can't wait!...

Megan DiMaria
Jul 3, 20182 min read
Guideposts for a writer's journey, part 2
Last week we started discussing the writer's journey. I likened it to climbing up the side of a Colorado mountain. In my case, I had...

Megan DiMaria
May 1, 20182 min read
How to create a writer's affirmation to stay focused on your goal.
​Remember when the dream of writing a novel first bloomed? How exciting that was, right? And then time wore on, and your writing career...

Megan DiMaria
Apr 10, 20181 min read
What it's like to switch from editing to writing mode again
After revising my completed manuscript (which was a big job), I’m excited to switch gears and head back into writing mode. I’m one...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 20, 20182 min read
What does sun-dried hair have to do with writing novels?
We enjoyed a warm winter day yesterday (65 degrees in beautiful Colorado!), and I dried my hair in the sun. Not exactly front-page news,...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 6, 20181 min read
Efforts = Accomplishment, now don't forget that!
Rome wasn't built in a day. Slow and steady wins the race. Little strokes fell great oaks. You've heard those sayings before. They endure...

Megan DiMaria
Jan 30, 20182 min read
What do readers to hear while they're reading?
I know of authors who listen to certain soundtracks while they're writing to inspire them to write with emotion or to add authenticity to...

Megan DiMaria
Jan 23, 20181 min read
Why reading fiction is good for you
I have always been addicted to reading fiction. Books have taken me to other worlds and have helped me to figure out my world. When you...

Megan DiMaria
Oct 24, 20171 min read
Have a little fun, and check out these unusual word facts.
This post serves no purpose other than to allow people a moment to say, "Hmm." And sometimes that's a good thing. Enjoy! 'Stewardesses'...

Megan DiMaria
Oct 17, 20172 min read
Want to know what your problem is?
I'm one of those folks who seem to be able to strike up unusual conversations with strangers. Today I was thinking about this encounter...

Megan DiMaria
Oct 10, 20172 min read
Don't waste pretty words. File them away!
Writers, do you keep a pretty-word file? Sometimes a description hits the spot exactly. When that happens in a novel I’m reading, I often...
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