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A Prisoner of Hope
Offering hope and encouragement for life, writing, and living a thoughtful life.

A Prisoner of Hope
Offering hope and encouragement for life, writing, and living a thoughtful life.
I post the first and third Tuesday of the month.

Megan DiMaria
Sep 27, 20222 min read
Lifehack: An ideal to-do list
A couple of months ago, I talked about considering a to-be list. Today, I have a to-do list you should think about. The world would be...

Megan DiMaria
Jul 19, 20222 min read
Lifehack: What is a to-be list?
Okay, busy friends. I've got a challenge for you. Instead of focusing on your to-do list, create a to-be list. Not only will it help you...

Megan DiMaria
Jun 21, 20221 min read
Hold on to your dream!
Don't give up on your dream. Believe me, I know it can be hard to keep pushing forward, but the struggle is part of the process. Even if...

Megan DiMaria
Jun 7, 20222 min read
Methods to Keep Creativity Flowing
I find this quote from Voltaire delightful. Isn't it lovely? Everyone in the arts, including hobbyists, needs to feed their creativity....

Megan DiMaria
May 31, 20221 min read
Some encouragement for creatives
A life in the arts is not an easy one. Most of our efforts are behind closed doors, struggling alone for our art. There are so many ups...

Megan DiMaria
May 3, 20221 min read
Lifehack: It's okay to have not arrived yet
People with goals are driven to succeed. The issue is that it will take time to reach your goal. But, hang in there! While you're on the...

Megan DiMaria
Apr 26, 20222 min read
Lifehack: Practice trust
Somebody needs to hear this (and it could be me). Because life is full of stress, doubts can creep into our thoughts. We can let...

Megan DiMaria
Apr 19, 20221 min read
How to get organized and accomplish your goals
I really needed a blogging break, so I gave myself one. I believe it's important to listen to your body, your heart, and your mind when...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 22, 20222 min read
Do Christian artists and writers have a duty in creating their art?
Lately, I've been thinking about art being worthy of the particular creator and The Creator. If our talent is a gift, shouldn't we...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 15, 20222 min read
Methods for writers to get to know their characters
Writers, how do you get to know your characters? Readers can tell how well an author knows their characters, so you better polish your...

Megan DiMaria
Jan 18, 20222 min read
Writer: organize a writing getaway
A writer writes, no matter where they are—but organizing a writing getaway to devote hours to your craft can boost your creativity and...

Megan DiMaria
Jan 11, 20225 min read
Keys to creating a happy marriage
What were you doing 43 years ago this week? I was starting the rest of my life. At the time, I thought I was all grown up. But looking...

Megan DiMaria
Jan 4, 20222 min read
Sometimes you need to give yourself permission to fail. Yeah, truly.
Take a breath I'm busy. We're all busy, right? I had a moment last week when an appointment that should have been recorded somehow missed...

Megan DiMaria
Dec 28, 20211 min read
Finish 2021 strong!
It's nearly over, 2021. Only a handful of days, and then 2022 crests the horizon. This last week of the year is a slide-by week for many....

Megan DiMaria
Oct 19, 20212 min read
My plan (a lifehack!) while striving for a publishing contract
An important component of my plan is a vital lifehack. If you master this, you'll be a happier person. Keep reading for that second part...
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Megan DiMaria
Oct 12, 20212 min read
Get ready for National Novel Writing Month!
Simply put, National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo for short) is the opportunity to jump-start your writing by completing 50,000...

Megan DiMaria
Oct 5, 20211 min read
Opportunity Alert: The Art of Writing 2021
Now, THIS sounds great. The Art of Writing 2021: An Online Conference for Writers, Storytellers, and Publishing Curators. This virtual...

Megan DiMaria
Sep 21, 20214 min read
Want write a book? Thirteen strategies for productivity
Do you dream of being a writer? I've got some advice for you: set boundaries and get the work done! Carving out time to accomplish your...

Megan DiMaria
Sep 14, 20213 min read
Pros, cons, and review of the 2021 ACFW conference AND great book suggestions
The winner of last week's giveaway, a copy of Jen Turano's book, To Write a Wrong, is Rachel Phillips. Congrats, Rachel! Like last year,...
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Megan DiMaria
Sep 7, 20214 min read
Fun interview with author Jen Turano & a giveaway!
I'm delighted to host my friend and USA Today Bestselling Author, Jen Turano, one of the funniest voices in Inspirational Romance. I've...
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